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Self-service portals
Every resource at your employee’s fingertips

Company employee portal
Partner’s sales portal
Public portal (UGC)
Template portal

Enterprise intelligence
Stop searching, start asking Knowz

The first DAM platform with enterprise search and knowledge discovery. 

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Import in We Brand
Import design files & convert into templates

Figma files
InDesign files
Import any document type file.

Let us do it for you

Jumpstart program
Jump easy: let us manage your move.
Design services
Imagine more: we design it.
Translation services
Language barriers? We break them.
Development services
Integration without the headache, guaranteed.
On-demand print
Your prints, delivered where you are.

Empower everyone to create perfect, on-brand documents

We Brand merges document editing and brand templates for company-wide consistency.
Perfect, on-brand documents

Trusted by industry leaders

Intuitive document editor

Intuitive power: The ultimate document editor

We Brand offers the most intuitive yet powerful document editing experience available. Imagine having the capabilities of Adobe InDesign at your fingertips—creating columns, adjusting images, and fine-tuning typography with ease. Yet, the true magic lies in simplicity. Our editor interface adapts to your task, ensuring a seamless experience whether you're crafting basic documents or diving into advanced design.

Any type of document, on any device

Accessible from computers, tablets, or mobile devices, our editor ensures you can work on your documents no matter where you are. From drafting a quick letter on your company letterhead to designing a comprehensive report filled with tables, and graphs, We Brand handles it all.
Any type of document, on any device

Elevate your document game: Perfecting the finer points for a polished look

Headers & Footers

With our features, craft headers and footers that elevate the look and feel of your documents, adding a professional touch.

Headers and Footers (1)

Table of contents

Enhance document readability with our dynamic tables of contents that update automatically, making your document easily navigable.

Table of Contents (1)

Page numbering

Add a touch of sophistication and structure with customizable page numbering that aligns with your document's style and narrative.

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Text editing

Text editing mastery: Tailor every aspect

We Brand isn’t just about branding; it’s a text editing powerhouse with spacing, alignment, and company-specific fonts at your fingertips. Our platform ensures smooth text flow from one page to the next, catering to every detail of your document’s typography needs. Whether you’re fine-tuning a report or crafting a detailed proposal, We Brand provides the tools to perfect your text.

Effortless on-brand document editing

Instantly import and brand any document or choose from a suite of designer-crafted templates. Our platform ensures that while anyone can edit, they can only alter approved elements. This safeguard keeps your documents perfectly on-brand, every time, fostering collaboration without compromising your visual identity.
Effortless on-brand document editing
Automatic updates

Automatic updates: Keeping all documents current

With We Brand, everyone’s documents are always in sync with your organization's latest updates. Thanks to the direct connection with the digital asset manager, any changes to legal texts, slogans, addresses, logos, and more are automatically reflected across all documents. This means everyone's work stays up-to-date with the most current information, eliminating the risk of outdated or incorrect details.

Effortless importing: Embrace wide-ranging file compatibility

Whether your document starting point was Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or Adobe InDesign, importing your work as PDFs allows you to bring these documents into the We Brand environment with ease. Once imported, these files transform into editable templates, ready for your customization touch. We Brand plays well with a variety of editing platforms, making your documents flexible and ready for any level of personalization.
Effortless importing
Streamlined approval and collaboration

Streamlined approval and collaboration: Perfect your documents together

Before any document goes live or is shared, our approval workflow ensures it undergoes a thorough review. This process guarantees that every file meets your organization’s standards, ensuring consistency and quality. Additionally, our integrated task manager facilitates seamless collaboration among team members on any document. Assign tasks, track progress, and collaborate effectively, all within the We Brand platform.

Get demo today!

We Brand empowers every member of your organization to create, refine, and share documents from anywhere, on any device. Embrace the future of document creation where efficiency, branding, and collaboration converge.
We Brand infographic